Things around here are a little weirder than usual right now. You will know that I’m sure. Unless that is you’ve been hiding under a rock, in which case you should probably just stay there for another few months, all cosy and virus free.
Everyone else, however, will remain in the not-so-outside world trying best to stay positive, fill our time with work, Netflix, more work, and probably more Netflix until we eventually decide we should use our time more efficiently and maybe even learn a new skill or something.
I’m just going to throw it out there, I bloody love a good routine.
As much as I want to go into all the reasons why I do and why you all should too, I won’t. But for those of you who are also fellow routine lovers and even those of you who are not, there’s inevitably been some changes 'round here.
For the last couple of years, something I’ve done almost every week has been a pub quiz with my mates at the local. It’s great. It’s every Tuesday, hosted by a guy with a thick Scouse accent and the format is always the same (bonus!).
I really enjoy them.
Pub quizzes provide something fun for all the family and the questions are normally broad so they can be answered by millennials and boomers alike. There is also a nice level of competive spirit in the room where, sure, it’s great to win - but if I didn’t know until I was 27 that horses are measured in “hands” or whatever… then it’s no big deal. Yes, that is a true story. Moving on…
Along with a few supposed key pieces of “general knowledge” I’ve also learnt a few things about myself since the first quiz:
- I know very little about a lot of things
- I struggle to spell words under pressure - which is kind of tough when you’re the designated writer of the group
- Regardless of the first 2 points, I still really enjoy it - and I definitely think this is felt by everyone else in the room.